Plochinger Str. 102
D-73730 Esslingen
Fon: +49 (0) 711 / 35 44 01
Fax: +49 (0) 711 / 35 44 03
Mobil: +49 (0)175 / 33 66 22 3
Parking, Deutsche Bahn and bus access:
– Marked private parking spaces DIRECTLY to the left of the studio. Further parking spaces are available along Plochingerstrasse and Indexstrasse, as well as in the underground car park 150m diagonally opposite the studio in the Lammgarten area.
– From the train station OBERESSLINGEN to the studio entrance it is 200m with a walk of about 3 minutes (with S1 from Stuttgart main station).
– Bus lines 101 / 106 / 114 / 115 from Esslingen main station stop DIRECTLY IN FRONT of the studio at the “Indexstrasse” stop (tariff zone 2).